Stab bound book with front covered in my hand marbled cotton.
For oneTree2019, eighteenth Century Naval “Campaign” furniture and the work of Christopher Schwarz inspired me to build a table made of two components that would fold flat.
The inspiration for this project is based on Thomas Jefferson’s Campaign Writing Desk which features hinged writing boards and a locking drawer.
Imagine was a commission for making a box for the storage of an handmade illuminated book for a member of CBBAG (Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists Guild). The only parameter was to have white felt on the inside of the box.
Thoughts organizer was a commission for making an organizer for paper, pen, etc for an avid “Scribbler”.
Zebra’s box” was a donation for a rafle during the Fairbank Calligraphy Society Retreat at Yellow Point Lodge in 2014. The box was custom sized to fit 5 x 7 inches card stock with enveloppes
This chair was created for an existing vanity dresser. As part of my design, I wanted to incorporate an element of Queen Anne era furniture style so began with a cabriole leg.
This instrument case shows four different corner construction techniques: 1/4” finger joint, splined miter joint, keyed miter joint and rabbet joint.
For this commission, my client wanted a box to put bookbinding supplies in. Additionally, they wanted no hardware such as as a handle.
This was a collaborative book exchange project. Each participant (14) provided a 8 1/2” x 11” folded signature to each member on the theme of birds.
This is a three dimensional accordion book with multiple sections glued together for the desired length. “Caterpillar” poem by Cristina Rossetti.
This exposed soft cover binding was dictated by the size of the KHADI paper. Each folded sheet was handled as a separate signature.